
Apparitions gemcraft labyrinth
Apparitions gemcraft labyrinth

Causes Double Edge to increase Centaur's strength by 15% per hero hit for 15 seconds.Causes Silken Bola to be a 550 AoE spell.Erupts at the location, hitting enemies in a 700 radius with Goo and 2 Quills.Coughs a quill-packed hairball towards the target location.Has Astral Pulse ability, affecting enemies in 500 AoE.Primal Split now creates a Void brewling.Attacking out of invisibility stuns the target for 1 second.Shadow Walk now grants you 35% damage reduction while invisible.Bloodrage attacks now deal 2% of the target’s max health as pure damage and heals Bloodseeker for that amount.Channels for 1 second, revealing itself, and then flies towards the target enemy, dealing 250 damage and stunning them for 2 seconds, killing the hawk.Apply a Sticky Napalm charge on impact.Causes Brain Sap to become a 550 AoE spell.Causes Counter Helix to apply a debuff (stackable) that reduces total attack damage taken by Axe from the affected unit.Provides allies in it with +40% Magic Resistance.Magnetic Field now pushes enemies out of the area at cast time.

apparitions gemcraft labyrinth

Grants triple the effect to enemies within 300 range.Passively grants an offensive aura reducing enemies' magic damage.Alchemist throws a potion at an ally, applying a basic dispel and granting them bonus stats.

apparitions gemcraft labyrinth

  • Causes Mist Coil to deal Abaddon's attack damage on impact.

    The upgrade that Aghanim's Shard provides can be anything from a new ability to simply an increase in power. Aghanim's Shard is a powerful item used to passively increase the power of a hero's ability.

    Apparitions gemcraft labyrinth